

How does china ultrasonic water flow meter material
How does china ultrasonic water flow meter material
Data: 2022-07-30 23:20

China ultrasonic water flow meter material is the most common flow meter now. Today, the china ultrasonic water flow meter material manufacturers will show you how the china ultrasonic water flow meter material works?

First of all, we need to know that there is a relationship between the running speed of the flowing fluid and the propagation speed of the ultrasonic wave. Compared with the fixed coordinate system, the propagation speed of the ultrasonic wave in the downstream is much greater than that in the upstream.

If you want the china ultrasonic water flow meter material to measure better, you first need to prepare an ultrasonic probe that can emit ultrasonic waves, that is, a transducer. When ultrasonic wave is emitted, the force of negative pressure electric high-frequency electric pulse is fully used to make the piezoelectric crystal realize stable high-frequency vibration, so as to realize the ultrasonic emission effect with certain pulse changes. Ultrasonic wave can be transmitted into the fluid from a certain angle, and then realize the receiving efficiency of ultrasonic signal under the action of ultrasonic transducer. At the same time, the ultrasonic transducer successfully converts the high-frequency electric pulse signal through a certain link again, which is the whole process of china ultrasonic water flow meter material.

China ultrasonic water flow meter material include portable ultrasonic flow meters, hand-held ultrasonic flow meters, battery powered hand-held ultrasonic flow meters and other types. The suitable environment for each type is different, and the appropriate ultrasonic flowmeter can be selected according to the measured medium and the surrounding environment.

The china ultrasonic water flow meter material system is mainly composed of ultrasonic generator, ultrasonic receiver, electronic circuit board, flow display, accumulation system and so on. China ultrasonic water flow meter material is a kind of durable flowmeter that can be used for non-contact measurement of sewage. Portable ultrasonic flow meter is mainly used in environmental protection detection of urban sewage treatment plants and drainage pump stations, as well as mining, oil field, metallurgy, chemical industry, papermaking, food and other industries. Portable ultrasonic flow meter is worthy of being a dark horse in the field of flow instruments.


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