

Solution to the Signal Weakening of china ultrasonic water flow meter For sale
Solution to the Signal Weakening of china ultrasonic water flow meter For sale
Data: 2022-11-06 19:33

Low price ultrasonic water flow meter For sale can operate normally after installation, and certain maintenance and daily inspection are required for the ultrasonic flowmeter during use. Do not worry if the signal cannot be received or the signal is too weak after a period of use. This is the normal response of china ultrasonic water flow meter For sale. Therefore, when this happens, please follow the steps below for inspection and maintenance, and the problem can be easily solved.

1. First, confirm whether the fluid in the measuring pipe where china ultrasonic water flow meter For sale is installed is full.

2. If the pipe is too close to the wall, china ultrasonic water flow meter For sale probe can be installed on the pipe diameter obliquely rather than on the horizontal pipe diameter, and the Z method should be used to install the probe.

3. Re select the dense part of the pipe and fully polish it, and apply sufficient lotus coupling agent to reinstall the probe.

4. Carefully move each probe slowly near the installation point of china ultrasonic water flow meter For sale to find the maximum signal point to prevent the ultrasonic beam from reflecting out of the expected area due to dirt on the inner wall of the pipe or local deformation of the pipe. The mounting point of the signal.

5. For the metal pipe with serious scaling on the inner wall, the method of knocking can be used to make the scaling part fall off or crack, but please note that this method is sometimes not helpful for china ultrasonic water flow meter For sale because there is a gap between the scaling and the pipe wall. Interior walls. delivery.

As long as the user operates according to the above five points, china ultrasonic water flow meter For sale will return to normal.


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