

Two methods for accurately calibrating the measurement data of good price and quality electromagnetic flowmeter
Two methods for accurately calibrating the measurement data of good price and quality electromagnetic flowmeter
Data: 2022-03-19 21:37

Combined with the actual use of good price and quality electromagnetic flowmeter in flowmeter, the measurement data is inaccurate. In order to make the good price and quality electromagnetic flowmeter accurately calibrate the measured value in the measurement. If the good price and quality electromagnetic flowmeter does not accurately measure the flow value of fluid, it will bring many problems to production and work. In fact, the method of calibrating electromagnetic flow is not difficult. Specific summary. Direct measurement method is also called real flow calibration method; Dry calibration is an indirect calibration method.

First, the quantity value is transmitted to the instrument to determine the position of the flow scale mark (or determine the signal output by the flow scale); Secondly, adjust the output of the instrument and compare it with the standard value (reference value), judge the accuracy of the instrument and measure its error value. In the past, the flow instrument industry used to calibrate the transmission property of flow value, and the calibration process for users of hydrology and water industry to judge the accuracy property of the instrument is called flow calibration. Nowadays, these names are gradually consistent, which is calibration. The flow laboratory authorized by the state is also named flow calibration laboratory.

There are two flow control methods of good price and quality electromagnetic flowmeter: direct measurement and indirect measurement.

Direct measurement method is also called real flow calibration method.
Use the actual fluid to flow through the calibrated instrument, and then use other standard devices (standard flowmeter or flow standard measuring instrument) to measure the flow of the fluid, and compare it with the flow value of the calibrated instrument. This method is called wet calibration. The flow value obtained by the real flow calibration method is reliable and accurate. It is adopted by various flow instruments such as electromagnetic flowmeter, volume flowmeter, turbine flowmeter and Coriolis mass flowmeter as the method of establishing standard flow. Before the electromagnetic flowmeter leaves the factory, the manufacturer completes the flow value transmission process on the flow calibration standard device through the real flow calibration method, sometimes referred to as the flow standard device or flow calibration device. The user shall also conduct real flow calibration for instruments regularly verified and maintained on the flow calibration standard device. The flow calibration device is established according to relevant standards and verification regulations, and the device that can transfer the flow value is determined by the special institution authorized by the state. It is a calibration equipment that provides flow value, and its quantity value can be traced back to quality. When asked about the national measurement reference quantity of temperature.

Dry calibration is an indirect calibration method.
Measure the flow area and other structural dimensions and magnetic flux density of the good price and quality electromagnetic flow sensor, calculate the flow value, and obtain the corresponding accuracy. Dry calibration is a calibration method to solve the problem that large-diameter electromagnetic flowmeter can not realize real flow calibration in 1970s.Field flow comparison refers to the comparison of electromagnetic flowmeter with other reference flows on site, such as the measured value of temporarily clamped ultrasonic flowmeter, the volume of liquid measured in the inflow pipe system, etc. Flow comparison is only an auxiliary inspection to evaluate the measured value of electromagnetic flowmeter, the general error range, and judge whether the instrument is normal or faulty.


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