

What are the factors causing the noise of Low price slurry electromagnetic flowmeter from China manufacturer
What are the factors causing the noise of Low price slurry electromagnetic flowmeter from China manufacturer
Data: 2023-01-02 13:22

Low price slurry electromagnetic flowmeter from China manufacturer generally have noise during operation. From our point of view, electromagnetic flowmeters are not only affected by ambient conditions, electromagnetic fields, electrostatic fields and other factors, but also by the fluid noise of the measured medium. Fluid noise is a kind of DC polarized voltage, which is particularly outstanding in low-frequency rectangular wave excitation methods, including slurry noise, active noise and flow velocity noise. Low price slurry electromagnetic flowmeter company will briefly explain the causes of fluid noise.

1. The corrosion resistance of stainless steel electrode is that there is an extremely thin passivation layer on its surface, which makes the electrochemical response reach a balanced state. Solids in the fluid hit the electrode, causing the passivation layer on the surface of the electrode to be damaged and losing the electrochemical balance. The metal material and fluid medium touch has the ability to generate an external passivation layer from scratch and adhere to electrochemical balance. In the period of reaching electrochemical equilibrium, free ions in metals and fluids are continuously reacting electrochemically under the effect of signal electric field. Solid particles hit the electrode, constantly damaging the maintenance passivation layer; The electrochemical reaction repeatedly generates a passivation layer, so the potential between the electrodes is constantly changed from voltage to voltage, and this changed potential constitutes the fluid noise in the flow signal. This condition is also known as slurry noise of Low price slurry electromagnetic flowmeter from China manufacturer. The theory and practice show that the increase of the frequency that affects the change of the electric field of the electrochemical response signal can reduce the fluctuation of the fluid noise rapidly, which is the key factor that high frequency excitation and dual frequency excitation can solve the slurry measurement.

2. The fluid rubs the fabric and electrode, and the positive and negative ions in the fluid are separated from the electrolyte fluid. The rougher the surface of the fabric and electrode, the higher the concentration of free ions. Under the effect of electric field of electrode signal, a part of other ions will move towards the electrode, forming a noise voltage, which is called active noise. Active noise is outstanding in low conductivity measurement. The active noise is related to the intensity of the external electric field. The greater the induced signal is at high flow velocity, the greater the noise fluctuation is, and the output will be very unstable.

3. The rapid change of fluid conductivity and pH value will also constitute active noise. The measurement instability reflected by the upstream dosing of the flowmeter is a typical example. The element is that when different media are mixed unevenly, positive and negative ions are simply separated from the fluid. Under the effect of the electrode signal electric field, a part of the ions will move towards the electrode, forming an active noise voltage and an unstable output.

4. Because the thickness of laminar boundary layer near the fabric and electrode where the high velocity active fluid is close to, becomes very thin, the roughness of the fabric and electrode highly exceeds the thickness of the laminar boundary layer at the velocity, and the fluid hits this height with some roughness, resulting in the divergence and sudden change of the velocity. There are some flow velocity weights in the same (or opposite) direction as the central axis of the measuring tube, which have a great impact on the electrode signal due to the effect of the signal weight function, forming a large positive error, which is the flow velocity noise.

It can be seen that the active noise and flow velocity noise in the above fluid noise are directly related to the surface roughness of the measuring tube and electrode, and the slurry noise caused by the polarization voltage is also closely related to the surface roughness of electrode.


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