The split electromagnetic flow meter supplier china may be damaged during use. What are the reasons for the damage of the split electromagnetic flow meter supplier china.
1. Inner wall adhesion layer of electromagnetic flow meter supplier china
Because the electromagnetic flow meter supplier china has more time to measure the suspended solid or dirty body than other flow instruments, the probability of obstruction caused by the adhesion layer on the inner wall is relatively high. If the conductivity of the attachment layer is similar to that of the liquid, the instrument can output the signal normally, but change the smooth area to form a hidden obstacle to the measurement deviation; If the high conductivity adhesion layer, the electromotive force between electrodes will be short circuited; If the insulating adhesive layer, the appearance of the electrode is insulated and the measuring circuit is disconnected.
2. Lightning shock of electromagnetic flow meter supplier china
When lightning strikes the line, it will feel instantaneous high voltage and surge current, and the electromagnetic flow meter supplier china will be damaged if it enters the instrument.
3. Environmental reasons of electromagnetic flow meter supplier china
Most of the faults caused by the external environment are caused by the interference of external electromagnetic wave, motor magnetic field, stray current and so on. External electromagnetic interference is mainly introduced by signal cables, which are usually protected by single-layer or multi-layer shielding. Current interference is usually measured satisfactorily by adopting relatively good separate grounding protection.

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